
The Travel Collection - Long Flight With A PSP

So, you've booked a nice holiday trip with the family or maybe just with your significant other and you suddenly realise that the flight is a good 12 hour (maybe even more) and you'll need something to occupy yourself during those hours of being cooped up next to that fat person who smells a bit weird and that guy who wouldn't understand the term "personal space" even if he looked it up. What better way to stay busy than play one of the millions of games that are out there? In this I'll be focusing on some games to play during those long flights or trips where playing "eye spy" just wont cut it. I'll give offerings for PSP in this post and DS in a later post (possibly expand to Android and iPhone too) giving a few different options to cater to all different class of gamers.

For the shooter heavy, bearded manly man
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Quick Hits- 15 hour story, coop/VS multiplayer, requires headphones, on the PS Store
My current PSP addiction and a great no-nonsense Kojima produced game, Peace Walker is tailor made for PSP greatness. Clocking in at around 15 hours for the main story, this 3rd person stealth/shooter is perfect for your long trips bearded manly man. once you've mopped up the main story you can get to work recruiting other members of your squad and sending them out on missions to collect more items and ammo for your army, tackle side missions (with friends if that's your style) and even attempt to kill some familiar faces from Monster Hunter.

Also worth your time - Killzone: Liberation, Resistance, Metal Gear Acid.


For the Shinku and Metsu fighting fans
Tekken 6

Quick Hits- 10 hour story, VS multiplayer, no headphones required, on the PS Store
While many a fighting game fan scoff at Namco's Tekken series in favour of the ever popular Street Fighter games, Tekken is very much at home on the PSP. with a huge roster of characters, some nice 3d graphics and plenty of challenge, Tekken could keep you company for the full holiday, let alone the flight. Just to clarify, I feel Tekken is better suited to the PSP as it requires less D-pad/Analog movement than Capcom's Street Fighter games and anyone who has played the PSP for long periods of time will understand the pain of sore thumbs after an hour of Hadoukens on a PSP.

Also worthy of your button mashing style: Soul Calibur, Blazblue Portable, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, Fate: Unlimited Code, Darkstalkers: The Chaos Tower.


For the blood lusting warrior
God of War: Chains of Olympus

Quick Hits- 6 hour story, no multiplayer, no headphones needed, on the PS Store
If you're anything like me, you're looking forward to the newly announced God of War game for PSP. Let us not forget the rather excellent Chains of Olympus. I'm not going to get into story details too much but its God of War, Kratos is pissed and someone needs to die while he shouts lots of names and grunts. What I am going to tell you is how well this runs on a PSP, any fan of the console versions will enjoy this portable outing a great deal. The only downside is it clocks in at about 4-6 hours for veterans, but you guys are going to want to tackle hard afterwards right? Yeah I thought so.

Also worthy of your stabby nature - Assassins Creed, Dantes Inferno, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.


For the Japanese developer lover
Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Quick Hits- 10 hour story, VS multiplayer, no headphones required. On the PS Store
While I could have quite easily filled the entire 'Japanese Lover' category with Square Enix titles, I feel Dissidia encapsulates many titles in to one game. Spanning all of the Final Fantasy universes, Dissidia tasks you with choosing light or dark and then fighting for said side. Its story is standard dramatic fluff you any Japanese lover would know, everyone is conflicted, twisted and misunderstood until close to the end when they all sort our their differences and have a scuffle, its the combat and equipment system that really gets Dissidia some high praise. It wont take a huge amount of time to finish the story portion Dissidia has to offer but you can keep playing and levelling your characters long after its done. My playtime has clocked in at just over 100 hours so if you're a fan of Final Fantasy, you'll enjoy this on a long trip.

Other games you would consider "kawaii!": Monster Hunter 2, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Half Minute Hero, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX (PSOne Classics on the PS Store)


For the petrol head
Gran Turismo, Burnout: Legends, Wipeout Pulse, Motorstorm: Arctic Edge, Modnation Racers

Quick Hits- VS multiplayer in all, no headphones requires (but some of these games have great music!), All on the PS Store
I haven't selected a specific game here because there is a good variety of petrol heads out there. Some like smashing up cars, some like futuristic racers and others like racing simulators. Personally I'm a kart-racing kind of guy but all of these titles will keep you entertained on a long flight so pick whichever racing game is your style and play it!


For those who like to test their IQ

Quick hits- no multiplayer, no headphones required, Only on the PS Store
When I was 10 I loved a demo for a game called Kurushi. It was a puzzle game that had blocks falling off the end of a platform and the player, who was controlling a small on screen man, had to make sure none of the blocks fell off said platform by making them disintegrate. that was my memory of Kurushi until 2010 where Mike Kebby and his team of heroes decided to put this gem on the PS Store for me to download. Try it, love it, and then scream in frustration when you reach a level you cant complete (speaking from personal experience here).

Also challenging foes - Puzzle Quest, Lemmings, Exit.


For those who aren't afraid to play a game 'for babies'
Patapon 2

Quick hits- 60 hour campaign story, coop and VS multiplayer, headphones required, On the PS Store
Patapon was my original reason for buying a PSP. its brightly colours landscapes and its monochrome characters enchanted me in a way no other way could. At one point the little drum beats of the Patapons were all I would hear and Patapon 2 improved in almost every single way. While this is a direct sequel its not necessary to have played the first Patapon to understand what's going on, With a huge amount of levels, some of which you'll need to replay several times, and its crazy style and substance, this game is recommended to those who don't mind looking a little odd but enjoy the most original titles out there.

Also brilliant fun - LocoRoco, Buzz, LittleBigPlanet.


For those who like a good beat
Lumines 2

Quick Hits- 10+ hour 'story', multiplayer, headphones required, not on the PS Store
Luminies 2 is one the most addictive games I've ever played. Its made me miss bus stops, meetings and trains. A mix of columns and rock band, Lumines tasks you with putting 4 blocks of the same colour together, these blocks then get collected and removed by a line that goes across the screen in time with the beat and that's the entire premise. do it enough and you'll reach the end but if you fill up the screen you get a game over. The reason Lumines is brilliant is its collection of music from both in-studio 'composers' and well known main stream bands.

Also great for a music fan -  Rock Band Unplugged, Gitaroo Man, Parappa the Rappa, Every Extended Extra.



Those who want to forget they are on Holiday and just game
Persona 3 Portable

Quick Hits- 100+ hour story, no multiplayer, no headphones required, not on the PS Store
If you're reading this and you live in Europe, I'm sorry, this game isn't released over here yet. If you live in the US, you've probably heard of the unstoppable cult awesomeness that is the Shin Megami Tensei games. Persona 3 Portable  is the 3rd version of the ever popular Playstation 2 release Persona 3 which has been chopped up to make it easier to play on a portable machine. If you've played the original Persona 3 or its 'complete edition' FES, you'll know what to expect here, 100's of hours of gameplay, boss fights and social links and with these come some interesting additions such as full team control, new items and social links and the ability to pick a female protagonist. I'll put my hands up and say I haven't been able to play Persona 3 Portable yet but I loved Persona 3 FES that I can recommend P3P on name alone (Psst.. you can always import it)

Other great titles for those who live in Europe (sorry!): Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, Disgaea, Persona.



Disgusted that I've left something off this list of fabulous titles? Let everyone know in the comments what you couldn't have lived without on holiday!





Bioware Know How To Make Me Happy

Man, Bioware know how to make a trailer dont they?

These 2 videos make me a happy panda, but the question still stands will Bioware/EA bring Mass Effect 1 to PS3 or will they allow me to move my save over like Dragon Age? I'll be posting a full entry on my feelings about Gamescom once all the conferences are over but until they I'll just say that so far it hasn't been a disappointment. 




This Kratos Fan Should Have His Own Cooking Show

God of War is one of those series that really put its own stamp on an already established genre or style of play. For me, Kratos and his mighty bald head will always remind me of punishing quick-time-events and it appears I'm not alone if this video is anything to go by.

I hope you guys enjoy.

New Name, New Posts, Same Views.

Hey all,

So... What do you think about the new name? Pretty funky right?

It doesn't really mean anything, I just thought it was funky and STFU is easy to remember for some reason. Welcome to Super Turbo Firmware Update, the brand-spankingly new blog which replaced Aeris Dies, My old and rather poor excuse for a blog that never got updated.

What's so different you ask? Well not too much other than the name, I now post this on Blogger and Posterous (as Posterous also sends this out to pretty much every service I use) but most importantly I have a good batch of ideas to make sure your dose of STFU is a healthy one with far more balanced info and IMO's hopefully.

I'll be starting things going within the next few days, so why not add me to your RSS reader of choice to make sure you don't miss out? 
In the mean time, feel free to hit me up on Twitter with some ideas if you have anything you'd like me to cover.

Test Post

This is a test. Included is a picture of my DS Collection at the end of 2008 (Yes.. I like games) and the outstanding single 'Airbrushed' by Chiptune wonders Anamanaguchi (google them, they rock).

Airbrushed by Anamanaguchi  
Download now or listen on posterous
A_Airbrushed.mp3 (9429 KB)


IMO: Dante's Inferno

I have to really commend EA for the change it has made over the past few years, its gone from the sequel churning machine I used to despise to the great third party publisher who is making sure new IP's see the light of day on the shelves. In the last few weeks, I've picked up 2 EA games, one being a sequel to a franchise that consists of 'Bro'in up' and the other a brand new IP. I'm a little worried lately that all the hard work EA put in a little while back is starting to disappear if these 2 titles are a sign of things to come. So, lets get to my honest opinion about the new IP today, Dante's Inferno.

I should first start by saying I didn't know very much about Dante's Inferno outside of what I had played in the demo (which I was happy with) and was hesitant to pick up a copy. With a bit of a gap in the release calendar that week, I decided to go through with my pre-order and my copy arrived a day later (Shopto.net shout out.. fucking great site) but as I played through the game over 3 nights of what I would call taking it slow I found a poor and unfortunately rushed game that was sorely lacking in the 'fun' department.

Dante's Inferno was a great premise for a video game and my earlier writings on Visceral Games, the creators of Dead Space, should get across how highly I hold the developer but I'm unsure of a lot of the choices they made along the way. Why are some of the circles of Hell so short? why exactly are there puzzles everywhere? why aren't there more people for me to kill? and why is there boobs EVERYWHERE? fuck, I've seen strip clubs with less tits.

As I sit on my sofa, pad in lap, watching the credits roll down my TV, all I can think to myself is 'Why?'. Why did VG decide to take a great idea and put a bunch of mediocre ones in it? because I think if they stuck to their combat mechanic and good plot they could of been on to a winner here. Instead, I'm given a 5 hour (it did actually take me 5 hours 24 minutes to finish the game) game of which 40% is greatly enjoyable combat and the other 60% is crap puzzles, unexplained 1 hit kill traps and jump sections with badly placed cameras.

I think lots of people will agree Portal was a great game, it took one mechanic and put a great 5 hour experience round it ending up in a stellar title. Dante's Inferno takes one mechanic and fucks it up til its barely visible and releases it at £40. 

A missed opportunity, Lets hope Dead Space 2 isn't treated the same


Uncharted 2: Electronic Media's 'Page Turner'

We all have them. My girlfriend will sit there and read book after book, manga after manga, giving small oooh's and aahhh's when the main character saves the girl or kisses that boy she's liked. My sister will sit and watch episode after episode of Lost, Dexter, Spaced and Big Bang Theory and laugh hard when Simon Pegg shouts at the kid who likes JarJar Binks or when Johnny Gelekie finally gets a piece of the action. We, the current generation of gamers, sit there and laugh hard when Elena Fisher introduces herself to Chloe as 'Last years model' and this is why Uncharted 2 is our version of a page turner.

Page turner is such a weird expression, what I mean by it is that I was hooked all the way through the story Uncharted 2 wanted to tell me about. I sat there and soaked up every bit it was willing to offer until there was nothing left but the rather good epilogue made up of co-op gameplay and online mulitplayer.

Whether its missions to retrieve oil lamps or trekking through swamps to grab Marco Polo's journal pages, Uncharted 2 had me sitting on the edge of my sofa. From the very beginning of the game, which sees Drake trying to climb up a train teetering on the edge of a cliff in snowy mountains while being brutally injured, to the very end, that had me panicked when a character gets badly injured, the game does not relent with its fantastic camera angles, stupendous animations, quality voice talent and monstrous action.

But why aren't more games like this? After Uncharted 2 I got hold of a copy of Assassins Creed 2, a game that many critics said to be 2009's game of the year. I just couldn't understand it, how could this game with its sloppy put together story, awful facial animation and, for the most part, sub par lip syncing pull the wool over so many peoples eyes? Obviously this question will always go unanswered but I feel that some of its praise is given to it due to the overall feeling people were left with at the end of the first one. Comparing Assassins Creed to its sequel will make AC2 look like the second coming of Christ, but is that fair view point? By the same token can people say the same thing about the Uncharted series? with a 'more of the same' feeling to it? I hope that wasn't the case.

Uncharted 2 was my 2009 game of the year and is my favourite series on PS3, If you've never tried it out and own a PS3, pick up the original and then try the sequel.